I guess that it's time to talk about it. I will soon have surgery to remove a 'mass' from my chest. It really isn't very large and it has to come out before it does cause more problems. It is located in my upper left chest, behind my esoghagus, in front of #1 thoracic vertabrae, and at the top of my left lung. My body has grown numerous benign cysts and tumors in the past so I'm hoping that this is just another one.
I have the best cardiovascular surgeon in Vegas and really felt comfortable with him so we are just waiting for a date.
He will go in under my clavical and also between my ribs on the left side with scopes so he will know more when he gets in there. If it's just aanother loose cyst or tumor he will just remove it, biopsy and chances are it will be done. If it is on the lung and is malignant he will remove the upper lobe of the left lung at the same time. He still feels that we are getting it in time so I probably won't even need more treatment.
This was discovered while having a complete heart workup following chest pains that started in Spokane. The heart and arteries are fine. The problem was the same old hiatal hernia and GIRD or maybe this as well.
Any way, I'm feeling very positive and Marv is trying to, also. It is just slowing me down a little and I'm keeping busy until we know more. I really feel that everything will be okay!!!!